Crema di ricotta, amaretto e zafferano con cialda al caramello

Ricotta, amaretto and saffron cream with caramel wafer

Doses for 6 people .

For the cream:

  • 550 g. of ricotta
  • 90 g. of chopped amaretti + 6-12 whole amaretti to decorate (depending on the decoration you choose to make)
  • 90 g. of icing sugar
  • 0.15g. of Matese saffron in stigmas
  • A drop of amaretto liqueur or rum (optional)

For the caramel:

  • 6 full spoons of sugar


First, infuse the Saffron in very little hot water and let it rest for at least 3 hours (the infusion procedure is reported on each package of Matese Saffron).

For the cream. Place the ricotta in a bowl and work it with a fork (for a better result of the recipe we recommend a ricotta with a rather creamy and good quality consistency); then add the icing sugar and mix. Then pour the previously prepared Matese saffron infusion (including stigmas) and possibly a drop of the chosen liqueur into the mixture and mix. At this point the dough will be quite soft. Add the chopped amaretti biscuits, which will give a slightly drier consistency to the mixture, work for a few more minutes and the cream is ready.

For the caramel. For the preparation of the caramel I chose a rather simple procedure but which requires a bit of attention and attention at the final moment of cooking. Place the sugar in a pan with a thick bottom, otherwise you risk burning it, and stir continuously with a metal spoon.

At first you will see lumps forming, then the sugar will begin to dissolve. At that point either you equip yourself with a kitchen thermometer and stop the melting when the temperature is between 155 and 170 degrees (depending on the desired color), or you will be attentive and good at understanding when the color has reached the desired point. The darker the sugar becomes, the more bitter the caramel flavor will be. Remove from the heat. At this point, use a metal spoon to pour the caramel slowly onto some waxed paper, creating shapes as you like. Once it has cooled completely, you will break it into pieces of the size you desire to decorate the dessert.

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